Indonesian Ornamental Fish Shop

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Saturday, August 2, 2014



1. hair grass japan 1.6 USD/cup

2.  Glossostigma Elatinoides 9500/5x5cm

3.  hemianthus callitrichoides ''cuba''9500/ 5x5cm

4.  pelia timika moss ( Pelia - Monosolenium tenerum )9500/lempeng (kawat screen almunium 10x5cm). harga paket 8 USD = 6 screen.

5. Peacock moss  1.8 USD /(screen almunium 10x5cm).

6. Spiky moss moss 1.8 /lempeng (kawat screen 10x5cm).

7. Crismes moss 9500/( screen 10x5cm).

8. Utricularia graminifolia 2.5 USD /cup

9. Anubias nana 4 USD / 6+ Leaves

10. Anubias nana mini 6 USD / 7+ leaves

11 Anubias broadleaf  10 / 5+ Leaves

12. Anubias Afzeli 15 USD /5-7 LEAVES

13. Anubias barteri var barteri 15 USD /5-7 LEAVES
14. Buche palandra 4 USD /5-8 LEAVES
15. Red lotus 5 USD /TREE
16. Tiger lotus 5 USD /TREE
17. Echinodorus-ozelot red 5.5 USD
18. Echinodorus marble 1.2 USD
19. Echinodorus uruguayensis  4 USD
21. Riccia fluitan (crtstalwort) 4 USD/CUP
22. Microsorum triden  4 USD  (1bundel 5-6 LEAVES )
23. Microsorum letucce (slada) 6 USD/ (1bundel 5-6 LEAVES)
24. Microsorum narrow 5 USD (1bundel 5-6 LEAVES)
25. Microsorum: windelov, dan kandaka 1.3 USD / 8+LEAVES


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