Indonesian Ornamental Fish Shop

WELCOME TO our website…

We are very pleased that you are interested in our passion of ornamental fishes.
In our homepage, we invite you to dive into the world of aquarium fishes.
In addition, we would like to introduce you hundreds of our special freshwater fishes with special offers and prices.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

WELCOME TO our website…

WELCOME TO our website…

We are very pleased that you are interested in our passion of ornamental fishes.
In our homepage, we invite you to dive into the world of aquarium fishes, Water plants,  aquascaping etc.
In addition, we would like to introduce you hundreds of our special freshwater fishes with special offers and prices.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


1.8 USD


0.2 USD


1.7 USD




1.2 USD




0.8 USD


1.2 USD

PROMO : MALANG SAND / Vulcanic Sand as substrat

this substrat containing benificial nutrition for water plants.And  Make your Aquascape more natural.


HOT PROMO : Silica sand, Water Purifier

Silica sand is a lighter tan and is very uniform and fine in grainsize. It cleans very easily and provides a nice look .
 As with all types of sand you need to wash it thoroughly before using it and wait for it to settle before turning on your filters. To wash it you just need a large plastic container, a powerful hose nozzle, and a bucket. Fill the bucket halfway with sand, blast it with the hose, mixing it up with your hand and dumping out the cloudy water until it runs clear. Put clean sand in the large tub, refill bucket halfway, repeat until finished. 

 sample of Use :

1 sac 50 kg :10 USD  (min order 500 kg)



1. hair grass japan 1.6 USD/cup

2.  Glossostigma Elatinoides 9500/5x5cm

3.  hemianthus callitrichoides ''cuba''9500/ 5x5cm

4.  pelia timika moss ( Pelia - Monosolenium tenerum )9500/lempeng (kawat screen almunium 10x5cm). harga paket 8 USD = 6 screen.

5. Peacock moss  1.8 USD /(screen almunium 10x5cm).

6. Spiky moss moss 1.8 /lempeng (kawat screen 10x5cm).

7. Crismes moss 9500/( screen 10x5cm).

8. Utricularia graminifolia 2.5 USD /cup

9. Anubias nana 4 USD / 6+ Leaves

10. Anubias nana mini 6 USD / 7+ leaves

11 Anubias broadleaf  10 / 5+ Leaves

12. Anubias Afzeli 15 USD /5-7 LEAVES

13. Anubias barteri var barteri 15 USD /5-7 LEAVES
14. Buche palandra 4 USD /5-8 LEAVES
15. Red lotus 5 USD /TREE
16. Tiger lotus 5 USD /TREE
17. Echinodorus-ozelot red 5.5 USD
18. Echinodorus marble 1.2 USD
19. Echinodorus uruguayensis  4 USD
21. Riccia fluitan (crtstalwort) 4 USD/CUP
22. Microsorum triden  4 USD  (1bundel 5-6 LEAVES )
23. Microsorum letucce (slada) 6 USD/ (1bundel 5-6 LEAVES)
24. Microsorum narrow 5 USD (1bundel 5-6 LEAVES)
25. Microsorum: windelov, dan kandaka 1.3 USD / 8+LEAVES

Step-by-step Guide to Setting Up a Planted Aquarium

A freshwater planted aquarium is a unique and natural aquatic ecosystem you can create for your home. Planted or natural aquariums contain specially selected aquatic plants and fish to closely replicate beautiful underwater environments found in nature. Gardeners, teachers, and experienced aquarists alike are discovering the many benefits of these beautiful aquariums.
Planted aquariumBecause of the complementary relationship between fish and plants, an established natural aquarium is usually easier to maintain than other aquarium setups. Fish provide carbon dioxide and nutrients for healthy plant growth. In turn, aquatic plants provide supplementary biological filtration and oxygen to create a clean, healthy environment for fish.
Whether you're new to planted aquariums or an experienced hobbyist, you're sure to enjoy the graceful beauty of this unique aquarium. Follow along as we take a 20 gallon high (20H) aquarium and turn it into a beautiful natural aquarium - complete with easy-to-grow aquatic plants and peaceful community fish.
Start with a 20-gallon high aquarium, Aquarium Stand, and Fluorescent Strip light.

Additional Suggested Equipment:
Whisper 30 power filter

100W Visi-Therm Heater

Coralife Digital Thermometer

2 - 15.4 lb bags Seachem Flourite

24" Floramax Plant Growth Lamp


16 oz Stress Coat

Test Kit

Seachem Plant Pack

250 ml Flourish Excel
Suggested Plants:
Anubias barteri

Anubias nana

6 Red Cryptocoryne

Micro Sword


Java Fern

Green Myrio


Rotala Indica

OR - Pre-Selected Plant Pack

Step 1
Step 1: Set-up & Start with a Quality Plant Substrate
Set up aquarium and stand.
Add a high quality, mineral-rich substrate (this is the foundation for long-term success).
Rinse plant substrate well before placing in aquarium.
Fill aquarium with dechlorinated water and install filter and heater.
Step 2
Step 2: Test and Regulate pH and Hardness (KH)
Depending on your source water, use a water conditioner to adjust the pH to between 6.5 & 7.5 (Seachem Acid Buffer or Neutral Regulator). This pH range is appropriate for both fish and plants. Remember to monitor the pH often once the aquarium has been set up.
In areas that experience very hard water, useReverse Osmosis water and remineralize withSeachem Equilibrium.
Step 3
Step 3: Add Lighting
The standard fluorescent lamp included with an aquarium hood or strip light is not ideal for healthy plant growth.
Replace the supplied fluorescent lamp with a plant lamp (use two strip lights if you are keeping plants with higher light requirements).
Step 4
Step 4: Add Aquatic Plants
Allow aquarium to establish for at least 2 to 3 weeks before adding fish.
Use short plants in the foreground and add plants in ascending order to fill the midground and background.
Step 5
Step 5: Add Fish
Allow aquarium to establish for at least 2 to 3 weeks before adding fish.
A school of 6 to 12 small fish is perfect for natural aquariums. Remember, the plants are the "stars" of a natural aquarium.
Refer to our list of recommended fish, but most community fish will do fine in a planted aquarium.
Step 6
Step 6: Add Supplementary Plant Nutrients as Needed
As aquatic plants begin to develop, they will require supplementary nutrients (fertilization) to sustain growth.
Carbon is an especially important plant nutrient rapidly used by growing plants. Carefully follow manufacturer's recommendations to maintain healthy plant growth.

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